The Annotated Bibliography

THEN has initiated an annotated bibliography project. The Annotated Bibliography is a searchable database of heritage education references for professionals as well as a listing of resources for educators and the general public. The Annotated Bibliography contains books, journals, magazines, newsletters, classroom materials, videos, blogs, and websites.

While accessible and usable by members and nonmembers, only members of THEN may contribute to the Annotated Bibliography. If you would like to contribute, please join THEN under the appropriate membership category. The resource entry form is located in the Members Only section of the website. If you find an error on any of the entries, please contact us.

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Type: Lesson Plan, Website
2016     “Archeological Sites” Midwest Archeological Center Distance Learning Program. National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
Type: Lesson Plan, Website
2016     “Excavation and Tools” Midwest Archeological Center Distance Learning Program. National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
Type: Lesson Plan, Website
2016     “Introduction to Archeology” Midwest Archeological Center Distance Learning Program. National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
Type: Journal
Lee, Robert, Tucker, Karen
2010     “It’s My Park”: Reinterpreting the History of Birkenhead Park within the Context of an Education Outreach Project. The Public Historian, 32(3): 64-97, University of California Press
Type: Journal
Jeppson, Patrice L.
1997     “Leveling the Playing Field” in the Contested Territory of the South African Past: A “Public” versus a “People’s” Form of Historical Archaeology Outreach. Historical Archaeology, 31(3): 65-82, Society for Historical Archaeology
Type: Journal
Hermes, Mary
2005     “Ma’iingan Is Just a Misspelling of the Word Wolf”: A Case for Teaching Culture through Language. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 36(1): 43-56, American Anthropological Association
Type: Journal
Brooks, Meagan
2008     “More than just feelings”: Qualitative Evaluation Methods for Descendant Archaeology.. Society for Historical Archaeology
Type: Journal
Seetah, Krish
2015     “The Minister will tell the nation”: the role of the media for archaeology in Mauritius. World Archaeology, 47(2): 285-298, Taylor & Francis LTD
Type: Newsletter
Montalvo, Yolanda
2004     “The Trail of Tears” in the Classroom. Heritage Matters: News of the Nation's Diverse Cultural Heritage, December: 3-4, National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
Type: Newsletter
Wilde-Ramsing, Mark
1999     1998/99 Public Education and Information Committee Review. SHA Newsletter, 32(1): 12, Society for Historical Archaeology